What list of Disney villains could be complete without Captain Hook? He was one of Disney’s attempts at making an all around comical villain and definitely made Peter Pan an amazing movie. His idiotic tendencies were constant in this film, but still managed to obtain an evil demeanor. He’s interesting because although he is a cowardly fool he looks for loopholes in his deals and ends up being quite a sneaky pirate. He and his crew reside in
The Captain tries to lure Peter into numerous different traps during this movie. Kidnapping Tiger Lily, the chief’s daughter, he expects to uncover Peter’s whereabouts by threatening to drown her but his plan fails him when comes to the rescue. The Captain also makes a deal with Tinker Bell, stating he won’t lay a finger, or a hook, on Peter if she tells Hook Peter’s hideout. She tells him and Captain Hook delivers a bomb to that location, because he never said he wouldn’t bomb it in their original deal. He has his final battle with Peter after kidnapping Wendy and making her walk the plank. After she is forced off the ship, they hear no splash. None of the crew quite knows what to make of this. Peter then emerges upwards resulting in a duel between Peter and his nemesis Captain Hook. After the fight is over Hook is left on a small boat, with his loyal assistant Smee, with the tick-tocking crocodile chasing after them.
Why he’s number seven: Captain Hook is a bumbling fool who loses his temper all too often. He dreams of getting vengeance on Peter for his missing hand and desires nothing more than seeing all the Lost Boys walk the plank alongside Peter. Captain Hook is not as much of a threat as the other villains because his humorous antics give the children watching the movie a sense of authority, knowing that Peter and the Lost Boys are able to defeat him.
Finally Captain Hook made your list!
Can't wait to see who's next!Could it be Jafar or Scar?
Nice choice. Do you do 'research' for your blog like sit home on Friday nights watching eligible movies with potentially awesome villians?
I really like your blog so far, as I've said before.
Thank you! I actually do watch the movies before I post the blogs! I think the whole reason I decided to do this blog was so I had an excuse to re watch all my favorite Disney movies. :)
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