Ursula, the slithering sea witch, slides into number four with her devious plots and lies. She’s a manipulative half octopus woman, with a larger than life character, who steals souls in exchange for her spells. Her garden of disfigured mer-people is her trophy for all her forged promises. The one thing she desires more than stealing these poor sea folk’s souls is to take Triton’s place as ruler of the sea. When she sees that Triton’s daughter, Ariel, has fallen in love with a human named Eric, Ursula is ready to use this to her advantage. Using her cunning tactics she convinces Ariel to forgo her voice and Ursula will do her the favor of letting her go to the surface to be with her beloved Eric. There’s one small catch though: If by the third sunset Ariel and Eric haven’t had loves first kiss, Ariel will be another withered soul in Ursula’s garden.
When Ursula sees Ariel is making Eric fall for her, she knows it’s time to take action, she disguises herself as a beautiful woman and uses Ariel’s voice to enchant Eric. Overnight they’ve set up an entire wedding. Ariel finds out it is Ursula under the mask of that beautiful girl, she and all her sea friends do everything in their power to stop that wedding. The necklace which contains Ariel’s voice breaks, the spell on Eric is broken, and Ariel’s voice returns to herself. Ariel and Eric reveal how much they care about each other and just as the two are about to about to share a kiss the sun sets, marking the third sunset and Ariel is now Ursula’s property. Triton begs for Ariel’s freedom and the sea witch agrees to let her go, if he takes her place. Of course Triton agrees, and now Ursula holds the sea in her hands. With her newfound power she literally grows and morphs into a giant. She tries to kill Ariel, but Eric puts an end to Ursula’s existence with a pointy piece of wood off his ship.
Why she’s number four: Ursula was a calculating diva, with her two henchmen/eels at her side. I think a part of the reason I dislike her so much is because her evil was threatening my favorite princess! She was evil from the start to the finish, stealing souls from innocent victims to add to her garden. Although comedic sometimes, she always has tone of evil to her voice, ready to make any bargain to benefit herself. She dreams of power and when it is finally handed over to her, she becomes a complete psychopath.
To watch Ursula trick Ariel into giving up her voice click here