Sunday, September 23, 2007

Gaston- Beauty and the Beast

My ninth choice for Disney’s ultimate villains has to be Gaston. He changes throughout the film from a comical arrogant individual to a man overcome with evil. Convinced he only deserves perfection he places his affections on the most beautiful girl in town, Belle. He sets up the entire wedding before consulting Belle, and when she refuses he finds his ego shattered before him.

Belle disappears from town looking for her missing father, Maurice, only to stumble upon an enchanted castle in which her father was being held prisoner in. She begs the owner of the castle, known as the Beast, to free her father. He agrees upon the conditions that she takes his place as prisoner forever. Maurice returns to town, pleading with the people of the town to come save his daughter from the dreadful Beast. Coining the nickname “crazy old Maurice” it’s clear Gaston and the rest of the town aren’t taking him seriously. But after hearing these bizarre rants, Gaston comes up with a plan to make Belle his wife.

When Belle returns home after being freed by the unexpectedly lovable beast, she is greeted by more than just her father. Gaston’s henchman waiting outside her home disguised as a snowman and cued Gaston to unveil his plan. With the whole town in attendance he informed Belle of Maurice’s absurd stories of beasts and charmed castles. Then he continues to explain how Maurice must be committed to an insane asylum, unless of course she agrees to marry him. Refusing this bizarre request, she proves to Gaston and the rest of the town that there really is a Beast and her father is not crazy. As Gaston listens to Belle talk about the Beast he notices the tone affection in her voice. Filled with jealousy he turns to the townsfolk and convinces them that the Beast is a danger to their community and he must be disposed of. They all charge up to the castle, pitchforks in hand, belting out “kill the beast!” They break down the doors ready for a fight. Suddenly they’re being attacked from every angle by candlesticks, clocks, stoves, and any other kind of appliance imaginable. They flee the palace leaving Gaston alone to hunt the Beast.

He searches the castle, opening every door with caution when he finally stumbles upon the room containing the Beast. Without hesitation he shoots an arrow for the Beast in hopes of murder. After an epic fight the Beast is holding Gaston’s throat over the edge of his colossal castle. But the Beast finds he is unable to kill Gaston and lets him go. Gaston begins to leave the manor when he notices Belle and the Beast reuniting. He finds himself unable to deal with his enviousness and lunges toward the Beast. But after he attempts to kill the Beast again he falls from the castle to his demise.

Why he is number nine: Gaston was a very interesting character to me. His reactions to the different circumstances he was put in showed the type of maniacal behavior he was capable of. Beginning as just a regular conceited man, his character morphs into pure evil and will stop at nothing to get what he thinks is rightfully his. He was a handsome character with a vicious personality and his pride twisted him into a corrupt monster. He was the true beast of this story.

To see Gaston in action click here

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Edgar the Butler-The Aristocats

Beginning as a loyal butler, Edgar maintained the house and took care of Madame Adelaide Bonfamille’s precious cats: Duchess, Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz. Until one night Edgar overheard Madame discussing her will with her lawyer. Once it was decided that all her inheritance would be dispersed between her felines, Edgar was filled with rage. At that very moment he designed a plan that would leave him with his hands on the wealth. Clumsily he took the cats from their home and left them in an unknown location in hopes they could never discover their way home. But as well all know the villains in these fairytales can never win. After Duchess met Thomas O’Malley their excited meows filled the streets of their home town Paris and Edgar was not too pleased to hear this. Realizing his plan had failed him, Edgar tried to trap the cats in a box and mail them to Timbuktu. Unfortunately, it was he who ended up inside the box without a claim to Madame’s money.

Why he is number 10: Edgar’s greed was his weakness, forcing him to try to dispose of Madame’s felines. Although Edgar’s eagerness for wealth made him do some very horrific things, he isn’t close to being the fiend that some other Disney villains portray. His attempts for money were almost comical in the blundering ways he went about them.

To see Edgar attempt to act his plan out click here